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Our Clients Say
"Spider hero came for my 3 year old's party today. He was fantastic my son was star struck but thrilled. After he was done with our party he took the time to walk around saying hi and taking pictures with other kids there. I am sure he made their day. I look forward to using this company again and seeing them out at community events."
Capes & Crowns
Capes & Crowns LLC is not an affiliate of the Walt Disney Company, Warner Brothers, DC Comics, Lucas Arts, Marvel, or Mattel. Some of these characters are trademarks of their respective companies. Each location is independently owned and operated. All of our character's costumes are made to depict original storybook and public domain characters. No copyright infringement is intended
Please note that by booking with Capes & Crowns LLC, you are thereby giving them permission to post pictures from your event, unless otherwise stated at the time of booking
© Copyright Capes & Crowns LLC 2023
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